Disclaimer of Information
Since Introducing the Bergamasco Sheepdog in 1995, the information on my website has not changed in the past 25 years. Beware of what is written by others on Social Media — there is a lot of misleading information especially regarding the Bergamasco coat and its care.
If you are interested in learning more about the breed please feel free to email or call me and I would be happy to help answer any further questions about our Bergamascos.
Silver Pastori Bergamascos
Home of the Rebel Coat with the Heart of Gold
GCHB Faunus dell albera was
Best Of Breed at the Philadelphia National Show
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Faunus is the 6th Generation American Bred from Silver Pastori Bergamascos
Silver Pastori Bergamascos has a New Champion in the Family
Champion Silver Pastori Gaia dell Albera
Gaia’s First Group 4 Placement,
Winter Blast, Oaks, Pa – December 2022
National Dog Show, Oaks, Pa, November 2022
Congratulations Silver Pastori GCH Faunus dell Albera
Best of Breed, National Dog Show — Nov, 20, 2022
National Show, Oaks, Pa – November 19th & 20th, 2022
Congratulations Young Gaia, Best of Breed, Best Winners
* Ms Gaia very proud of her Mama, GCHS Whope, CHG, TDI,
Representing the Philadelphia National Show, 2022
Congratulations to our Newest & Youngest Grand Champion
Silver Pastori GCH CH Faunus dell Albera
Owner Handler, Breeder, Donna Defalcis
2022 National Specialty
CLICK HERE for details.
November 2021
Ms Whope made the November/December Issue of the AKC Family Magazine
CLICK HERE to view the full article.
December 2020
Host Pat Mock welcomes dog breeder Donna DeFalcis to introduce the Bergamasco,
a peculiar herding dog from the Swiss Alps on All About Dogs.
November 2020
Dog News & Canine Chronicle
[Click to Enlarge]
October 2020
American Dog Fancier Fall 2020
May 2020
Thank you for Supporting Small Business during these crazy times.
Our Bergamasco T’zee Plus Store is up and running.
Check out our new Lightweight T shirts for the ladies, plus our light weight long sleeve jersey hoodie.
February 2020
Dog News Magazine, Westminster Issue — February 4th, 2020
November 2019
Canine Chronicle Statistics
(Oct & Nov)
GCH Voltuma dell albera Silver Pastori

July 2019
Become a Member of the
Bergamasco Sheepdog Club of America
Featuring Online Magazine:
March 2019
We are very excited to be featured
in the Dog News Annual Issue 2019,
Dog News, Westminster 2019
[CLICK to Enlarge]
February 2019
Ms Whope Joins the Therapy Dog International Progam
Whope is 4th Generation Bergamasco, achieving her Grand Champion & Canine Good Citizen title, to the first Bergamasco to attain Silver Metal Status. We were overly excited when Whope became the Poster Dog for the Philadelphia National show in 2018. Besides her Wonderful Show Career her real talent and happiness is Making Children and People Smile. Whope has been attending the Special Needs Classroom along with her owner Donna for the past two years. Bergamascos are known for their Gentle Nature around children, as well as the elderly. They react according, each of their individual needs.
*Whope will be a asset to the TDI Ambassador Program.
November 2018
National Dog Show — I am honored that my Special Girl Whope, was chosen to represent the Bergamasco Sheepdog. Not only were there numerous Banners throughout the exhibition, she was also featured throughout the Catalog, and a poster of her was given out to all the 100’s of people who visited Saturday & Sunday. Best of all, we now have our very own life size cut-out!
Hopefully within the next few months Whope will have her Therapy Dog License so she can officially do what she loves most — to put smiles on people’s faces! I couldn’t be in this place today without the long time support of all my friends.
[Click to Enlarge]
Look for Ms Whope, along with Ravi & Voltu in the November 8th issue of Dog News
[Click to Enlarge]
October 2018
What an Honor, Miss Whope was selected to be the Dog to Represent the National Dog
to be Aired Novemember 17th and 18th, 2018.
[Click to Enlarge]
Miss Whope in People Magazine
GCH CH Whope is back from Maternity leave
after having 6 Beautiful Puppies.
Whope finished the year #2 Bergamasco with limited showing.
Look for Whope at Westminster 2018!