News Archive
December 2017
So proud of my boy Ravi, nice way to end the year!
GHC CH Ravi dell Albera sp
#4 Breed, #5 All Breed
I hope to see many of his children follow in his footsteps
(It saddens me due to a error in the entry form, Ravi will not be showing in Westminster 2018.)
Thank you Jane Hobson for doing such a great job showing my boy.
DECEMBER 16 & 17, 2017
May 2017
So excited about our new Bergamasco Club Magazine!
First issue is out and it looks better than we imagined. There will be 4 issues per year.
For subscription information, contact the BSCA at BSCAmerica@gmail.com
Tinia goes to AOL Build
Miss Whope on the Sunday CBS Morning Show
Read More: The New Breeds At Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show — CBS New York
November 2015
Pandia Goes to the National Dog Show, November 26, 2015
— Aired ThanksGiving Day on NBC
Read more at: www.peoplepets.com — Breeds to Watch at the 2015 National Dog Show on Thanksgiving Day
Watch the Video here: https://www.facebook.com/jessmeade/videos/10208535870172033/
September 2015 — Fun at Essex
June 2015
(Click to enlarge photos)
— Our Italian Holiday
“Tinia’s Heritage Tour Through Italy”
June 2015 — Puppy Exercise
Jogging Can Be Harmful To Puppies — Don’t Overdo it; Jogging Can Be Harmful To Puppies
Jogging with your dog is an excellent way to exercise; both of you can keep fit and trim while taking in all the lovely scenery. If you have a new puppy you may be tempted to start things off with a running routine to burn off all that extra energy of his; but don’t start too soon. Jogging can be harmful to puppies.
Puppies should not engage in rigorous activity before their bodies have had a chance to mature. They should avoid sharp or repetitive impact exercises during their first year.
Growth Plate Injuries
Dogs shouldn’t go jogging until their growth plates have closed. Dogs grow a lot in their first year, especially large breeds. Their bones and joints are remodeling as they continue to grow. Certain breeds like Shih Tzus, Corgies, and Basset Hounds are predisposed to premature growth plate closure.
To accommodate the growth of your growing puppy the cartilage and bones are soft and contain many extra blood vessels. Since the growth plates are softer than other parts of the bones they’re more prone to injury. Trauma to a puppies growth plate can lead to severe bone deformities. Being dropped, hit by a car, or rigorous activity injuries in puppies should be diagnosed and treated quickly.
Since growth plate injuries typically occur on one side of the plate or the other, the damaged side of the bone quits growing, but the healthy side continues to grow. This is how the bone ends up anything but straight. — Karen Becker DVM
If your dog injures its growth plate before it’s sealed the damaged cells stop growing while the healthy areas continue to grow. This can lead to permanent deformities in the dogs bones. In severe cases the bone can rotate, bow, and curve.
If the problem isn’t diagnosed early and corrected with surgery it can lead to much bigger problems such as arthritis, abnormal joint movement, and complete loss of function in the affected limb.
Synchronized growth of all bones is necessary for normal development when a dog or cat transforms from a small puppy or kitten into an adult. — Dirsko J.F. von Pfeil DVM
At What Age Can Your Puppy Run
The age at which the growth plates completely mature is different depending on the breed. Most of your dogs growth will happen between 4 and 8 months of age. Large and giant breeds mature much slower; they might not be fully developed until 18 months of age.
May 2015 — Visit the Bergamasco Sheedog in the
May & June issue of the AKC Family Dog Magazine
“Much of AKC Meet the Breed’s success can be attributed to the hard work and creativity put into all of the outstanding booths; every year one booth is awarded the Best in Show. This year’s booth to win, based on creativity, number of dogs, and friendliness of the owners goes to the Bergamasco booth. What put the Bergamasco booth over the top was the intricately designed Bergamasco purse made with shredded fabric along with the exceptional floral Bergamasco display. While the creativity certainly stood out, the friendliness of those at the Bergamasco group made for great fun, and of course, the stunning Bergamasco dogs at the booth sealed the deal.”
Read more: Unusual Dog Breeds Delight at the AKC’s Meet the Breeds Show
(Click to enlarge photos)
December 2014 — A New Era for the Bergamasco
Click to read article: American Kennel Club admitting 4 new breeds
Switzerland Holday, August 2014
Our Summer Holiday with our Switzerland Bergamasco Friends
~ Switzerland Holiday Video ~
(Click to enlarge photos)
Bergamasco Gathering, June 7, 2014
Zoey, Rani, Leo, Fidellio, Zeus, Hemera, Lola, Gozer, Anouke, Viggio, Tasia, Meshu,
Thank you for making our Gathering a big success.
~ Bergamasco Gathering Video ~
~ Bergamascos at the Greenwich Kennel Club 2014 – Video ~
Silver Pastori Goes to Switzerland — 2014
Swiss Champion Vito dell’ Albera Silver Pastori
Lieto Montervergine
Owner Michael & Regula Sing
Swiss Champion Theia dell’ Albera Silver Pastori
Owner: Brigitte Suter
Bergamasco ~ AKC Open Show and Gathering ~
American Kennel Club — Meet the Breeds
Sept 28-29, 2013
Bergamasco Gathering — June 2013
CLICK to watch the Video: Bergamasco Sheepdog Gathering 2013
2013 Bergamasco Calendars
2013 Bergamasco Calendars are Here
All proceeds go toward BSCA Rescue, email silverpastori@mac.com
The Bergamascos Go on Vacation!
Farewell, Cato – “Clemente Catone dell’ Albera”
An email sent to us from Cato’s owner, Scott Amtsberg:
It is with a heavy heart that I write this because yesterday we had to say goodbye to our dear, sweet Cato. It was almost 14 years to the day that we picked him up at a dog show in Pennsylvania to begin our lives together. I remember it like it was yesterday. He sat in the flowers off to the side doing his own thing as if he knew that he wasn’t like the others. He was right…
Just thinking about describing what Cato means to me and my family reminds me of something that was said by legendary big wave surfer, Laird Hamilton. He said that he always has trouble trying to describe surfing to those that have never experienced it firsthand. “It’s like trying to describe a color with words to someone that has never been able to see.” That’s the feeling in my heart as I write this…
His full name is Clemente Catone dell’ Albera which loosely translates into “the gentle nobleman from Albera” but to us he is simply Cato. Cato brought so much to my life. To think that we met his breeders Donna and Stephen by calling the phone number in the back of a magazine before the internet existed still makes me smile. Who knew that one phone call would turn into a lifelong friendship with two of the most passionate, dedicated and selfless people I’ve had the pleasure knowing. They were the ones that brought the Bergamasco to this country and they are the ones that brought Cato to me. How can I ever thank them enough? Because of them I was able to meet Maria Andreoli and witness thousands of people experiencing the breed for the first time through Cato.
I will miss the cold nose on the back of my leg when I go to the refrigerator. I will miss the leaning on my leg as a silent request for love. I will miss the big dog curled up under the dinner table quietly as we eat. I will miss seeing the joy in my parent’s eyes when their friend put his head in their lap… especially during the tough times. I will miss those big brown eyes looking into my soul. I will miss that spot on your tongue. I will miss answering all those crazy questions in public when we’re just trying to spend time alone. I will miss the seal bark… the silence is already deafening.
I find myself going on and on in my mind recalling the memories of the last 14 years with Cato in my life. There are enough stories that I could write a book about all the things he helped me see and do, and maybe someday that may happen when the pain isn’t as intense. In watching my children deal with the loss of their friend I am content to follow their lead. To let the emotions wash over me and feel them as they come. When I was a veterinary technician dealing with the loss of someone’s pet I was frequently asked the same thing. “Why does it hurt so much?” My answer was simple. “The pain you feel is proportional to the love you felt when they were in your life. ” If you see me riding my bike past you on the street, listen closely. That whistling you hear is the wind rushing over the hole in my heart from the loss of my friend. What makes this all bearable? I know that a true shepherd’s dog has gone home and will hurt no more.
Farewell my gentle nobleman. Until we meet again…
Scott Amtsberg
Bergamasco Gathering June 9, 2012
Nemes dell albera Silver Pastori “Noto”
International & ARBA Champion
Bergamasco Specialty 2012,
Best Male, Best of Opposite
06/09/12 – 9:30am
Bergamasco Specialty
Norwalk, Conneticut
Most at a Canine Specialty would write and tell you who won at the ring, hoping that they can brag that they are the winner. I will let you know who won as well!
It was the 2nd year that the weather was questioning the day and it’s own intentions, should we stay cloudy, do we rain on the parade or should we let the sun shine on the Bergamasco Sheepdog Club Of America.
Actually the weather has no say in the matter, the sun always shines for the Bergamasco Sheepdog.
For the record during the Bergamasco Specialty the weather performed admirably working to show us our everyday life’s working — A cloudy beginning, Rain to dampen the atmosphere, Sunshine to allow positive movement or growth, (To See Light At The End Of The Tunnel.)
Donna and I have been working with the Dell Albera lineage from Dr. Marie Andreoli starting with Fauno who would now be 18 yrs old and Gae 17 yrs old this summer 2012.
Luckily we have the off spring from our irreplaceable companions, but that is another story.
Actually it really isn’t… sitting here watching the Bergamasco’s come in to our small gathering with their entourage I am seeing coats of long, instantly recognizing the elders and their age, young Bergamasco’s of different coat lengths again helping me place the young in their appropriate age bracket. I realize by seeing the 30 Bergamasco’s of all ages and genders that we do know them and have seen them before, having lived with or have known the grandparents, mothers, fathers, cousins, siblings of these marvelous entities. We can’t help but feel that we know the offspring’s personalities of those that are now living among us. due to their extremely familiar appearance of yesteryear.
17 years ago in Italy, I took photos of the Bergamasco’s at Marie’s house to help remember the different styles, so our son Perry, photographed the Bergamasco’s present, to try to help preserve the type, style and structure of the many that we knew. This would help Donna and I verify that we were still working towards our goal.
After lunch the go around the ring at 1:00pm was called. 16 Bergamasco’s were there for the calling. With the 30 Bergamasco’s present at The Speciality I knew that today was a good day to see the results of working with many to hopefully preserve what we have come to know and love as The Bergamasco Sheepdog.
Would we be still be on the path that we took 18 years ago?
I watched the males and females travel around the ring, looking at their gait, their type, their style, their movement. Wanting to see if we have maintained their most fascinating adult characteristic, their fluid, gentle, strong trot that is particular to The Dell Albera Bergamasco. I was amazed and confirmed to myself, yes these are The Bergamsco Sheepdogs that we know.
We are constantly questioned: What style are you planning to present as your Bergamasco Sheepdog? How are you going to change them? What are your plans?
Our answer is:
To Maintain The Bergamasco Inherent Soundness,
Continue The Characteristics That We Have Come To Know
And Of Course Help to Resolve Problems As They Arise,
For Today And Tomorrow…
So who won the Bergamasco Club Of America Specialty Show: We all won!
Yes, Donna and I do believe in you and you have given us the gift to continue The Del Albera Sheepdog Of Italy, The Bergamasco Sheepdogs! “Rebel Coat With The Heart Of Gold”
Thank You For All Of Your Support!
We Enjoyed Your Company & Companionship!
Stephen & Donna DeFalcis